For Clinics

Offer trainings to your staff and develop programs for integration into clinical services, with the goal of increasing access to mindful body awareness strategies for self-care.

Clinic Program Development/Evaluation:

In collaboration with clinics and agencies, the Center will train staff, seek funding to hire practitioners trained in MABT, and develop programs for implementation of services in clinic settings. MABT research shows successful implementation in community clinics and with a variety of clinical populations receiving health care services, as well as to the general population. To increase access to the MABT approach, we are particularly interested in collaborating with clinics and agencies that work with underserved populations.

Through responsive and well-designed program evaluation, the Center will gather data to increase knowledge pertinent to delivery, health outcomes, and cost effectiveness of MABT in a variety of settings, across different populations and by distinct healthcare practitioners.  This information can be used to refine programs within the Center and potentially applied to other venues and applications across like-minded agencies and service providers.

See, for example, this write-up on a current collaboration between the Center and New Traditions, a Seattle-based clinic for women’s recovery from chemical dependency.


Image Copyright Michael Corthell